
How can i save up to 50 percent of my salary?

  Hello friends, Again a very warm welcome to all of you in my blog, In my today's blog, we'll find out the answer of our first question,"How can we save up to 50 percent of our salary?" Why is the answer of this question is very important for us? Because a person who can't save money, can't be rich in future . You can save up to 50 percent of salary and can be rich by following these simple 5 steps, That's why without wasting your time,Let's start our today's blog, 1. pay your self first :- your are paying to every one for their works from your salary but," Are you paying yourself from your salary?" my friends,if you want to be rich, please pay yourself first minimum 10 percent of your salary. For example, if your salary is 100,000 rupees, please pay 10,000 rupees to your self first for saving. 2. pay your self for your extra services :- what are the extra services?  my friends, in my blog, extra services mean the works for that you ar

$ Two simple steps towards richness $

  Hello friends, A warm welcome to all of you in my blog, Let's start our today's blog in which we are going to discuss about two simple steps towards richness,  If you want to be rich, you have to follow only these two simple steps in starting:-           1. Saving :-  Pay  yourself  minimum  10 percent of  your earnings or save  minimum  10 percent  of  your earnings,         2. Investing :-  Invest your savings    I know what are you thinking,"Are you serious?" Yes,I am dam serious about my blog, I am 100% sure that you can be rich by using these to simple steps in starting, friends please follow these two simple steps  from today ad you will see yourself as a rich man tomorrow. In my next blogs we'll try to find the answer of our first question, "How can we save 10 or more than 10 percent from our earnings?"    Your friend,   Richie Rich